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Regular Meeting List - Al-Anon/Alateen of Hamilton-Burlington NEWCOMERS MEETINGS Some groups hold specific meetings for newcomers. They include information on the purpose of Al-Anon and are often less formal than
Find A.A. Near You | Alcoholics AnonymousContact one of the A.A. resources below for a meeting list in that location and the surrounding area.
The CentOS ProjectCommunity-driven free software effort focused around the goal of providing a rich base platform for open source communities to build upon. News, views, and reports on CentOSNews, views, and reports on CentOS
November 2023 Newsletter Blog.CentOS.orgThe Promo SIG is responsible for promotion and messaging around the CentOS project, both at physical events and online.
Distributions Devroom at FOSDEM 2024 Blog.CentOS.orgThe Distributions dev room opened its CFP a couple of weeks ago. We have seen great ideas come in! If you would like to join us, submit your talk for inclusion no later than December 5th. If you’re looking for ideas, we’
CentOS Infrastructure Update Q3 2023 Blog.CentOS.orgThis is a summary of the work done by the CentOS Infrastructure team. This team maintains the infrastructure for both CentOS and CentOS Stream.
CentOS Newsletter, September 2023 Blog.CentOS.orgWe publish a rotating selection of quarterly reports from our Special Interest Groups. This issue includes reports from the Kmods, Alternative Images, Artwork, Virtualization, and Hyperscale SIGs.
End dates are coming for CentOS Stream 8 and CentOS Linux 7 Blog.CenWe’ve got an important message for Developers, Administrators, and Users.
Welcome to Hamilton Burlington Al-Anon/Alateen - Al-Anon/Alateen ofMany who come to Al-Anon/Alateen are in despair, feeling hopeless, unable to believe that things can ever change. We want our lives to be different, but
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